Saturday, April 26, 2008

Note Cards

It's been a busy week and it's not over yet. There's been so much positive response at my church about the big posters and how they add life and color to an otherwise huge white room and so many requests for prints or cards that I got on the ball and did it. Thanks to my photographer/printer, David Hooten, all 10 of the most recent pieces have been printed as 5 x 7" note cards and will be for sale at our church with proceeds to benefit outfitting the kitchen remodel. I'll offer them through the blog as soon as I can figure out how to do that most efficiently. They're beautiful. David printed them so the art bleeds to the edge; the print quality is such that they can be framed. We'll also offer framed prints in 3 sizes: 5x7, 9x12, and 18x24. We're off and running with this.


  1. Anonymous10:55 AM PDT

    How affirming and how exciting! Your work, deep with meaning, is loved. ~Leslie

  2. These are beautiful Jo....Congrats...God sure has had his hand on this project. Would you ever had imagined??


I appreciate comments and questions.