Saturday, April 25, 2009


I overheard someone say “walking to work” recently and my mind did one of those flips that brings an AHA moment. My studio is in my home, in the center of my home in a big loft area that overlooks the living room, foyer, kitchen, and dining room and feels very un-business-like because of the location. Artists who rent space away from home can enter the studio and leave home matters at the door, but of course that has its own set of problems. My situation is right for me at this point in my life but it’s so easy to lose focus on art-making and waste time when the home work is right there in my visual field.
My AHA is all about perception. I can start walking to work and get my daily miles in at the same time. Here’s the thing… get up, shower, breakfast, and then walk to work… put on my jacket and walk my 2 miles, ending up at my studio where I take off my coat, and settle in to work. At noon I give myself permission to check email, have lunch, and even read, but in an hour it’s back to work. At the end of the day, around 4, I can walk home, taking the shortcut which is only 1 mile. I know it’s a game I play with myself but I’m going to try this for the next month and see what happens. I’ll get in 3 miles of walking every day and establish a new summer schedule. Of course I’ll have to fit in a bit of gardening time, perhaps before work. And I can’t answer personal phone calls at work. I start this new job Tuesday... and I hope it pays off.

We were at the coast last week and this one small watercolor sketch is the only one I made all week.
As I walked the coastline and prowled around town I was thinking about pattern, both regular and irregular: foot patterns in the sand that tell their own story (seagulls, cars, people); wave patterns in the sand that create a mini history of tidal action; patterns of trees and grasses in the forest and dunes. There’s so much to see when one takes the time to look carefully at this world of ours.

Self Portrait with Giraffes


  1. Great post Jo! I bet it was a perfect week for the beach. I really enjoy looking at these pattern photographs. You have a good eye! I like the water color you did as well, but best of all are your plans for work. Seems like a great structure. The only way I can resist the computer when I am in the studio is because there is no computer there! I have the ability to have my lap top out there, but I would be distracted I think.

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM PDT


    Great idea about walking to work. Establish the behavoir to remove yourself from your home and place yourself in your studio.

    I once heard a psychologist (or anthropologist can't remember which) talk about the behavoral patterns people do to remove themselves from work at the end of the day and also the patterns that people use when they work from home. It was a fascinating talk.

    I like the photos of the patterns you took, and the watercolor sketch.


  3. What a great idea, Jo. I can see how a meditative walk gets the heart and mind ready to create. Your beach pattern photos offer lots of inspiration, too.

  4. Thanks for your comments, Leslie, Marilyn, and Paula. Perhaps everyone struggles with the issue of scheduling when working from home. I know it's an ongoing problem for me but rather than give in I choose to keep at it. I'll let you know how it's working.

  5. Love your walk to work plan! Walking clears my head .... I'm sure you'll enjoy the process!
    The beach patterns are very cool!

  6. oh my, your Art is so unique! It's really cooool!

    you bet i will come back to visit more.. !

    have a wonderful week ahead!

    from One Day at a Time


I appreciate comments and questions.