Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Learning to See

Learning to See
Daily 5x7 Collage
I'm trying my best to grab the first bits of paper that come to hand and make a collage out of them, teaching myself to work intuitively with what's available and create something in about 5 minutes. These bits have meaning for me; there's a story there about learning new things.


  1. Loved all your last posts, could've sworn I wished you a personal Happy Easter, maybe I just thought it :(

    I'm keeping up with the squares, seeing everywhere I go!

  2. Awesomely done, love how you continued the green throughout. xoxo

  3. merci pour la visite..
    j'aime les collages..je suis fan!

  4. Your collage-a-day is a great idea to start the day in the studio. I like the idea of a work station set aside for this. Your blog really promotes daily creativity.

  5. very nice, glad i found your site...

  6. I think that the time frame you have set for yourself encourages spontaneity and that can be very very helpful for someone like me (or you?) who tends to over think things and can get very tight in their collage execution. This 5 minute collage is like starting a figure drawing class with a quick gestural drawing , a great way to loosen up! Love the palm tree!

  7. I'm glad you all liked this collage. I did, too.
    And yes, setting a time limit on most things helps a lot. I work well to deadlines and this is another short deadline. I have a timer in my studio and I use it for lots of small and large jobs. It's amazing how much tidying-up I can do when I set the timer to 15 or 30 minutes and work as fast as I can until the buzzer sounds.


I appreciate comments and questions.