Monday, June 07, 2010

Garden Tour

Friends and I went to an open garden Saturday afternoon, to a home perched on top of a hill west of town. The house appeared to be a beautifully remodeled ranch style home with an incredible view of the valley. At the end of the pool is a yoga studio whose walls open to the landscape, a lovely place where these two musicians played. 
There were waterfalls, a greenhouse, a music studio and expansive gardens all around with fruit trees along the road. Heavenly.

Phlomis russeliana
Jerusalem Sage

Allium "Star of Persia"
Stachys lanata (Lamb's Tongue)

Red metal ball with daisies.
(This sculpture is about 3 feet across.)

Still, there's no place like home. I'm grateful for what I have, a perfect-for-us home (thanks Ted) on a good sized lot filled with beautiful plants that's only slightly more than I can handle myself.
back yard as viewed from my studio balcony.

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