Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time

Sometimes there's just not much one can say about a piece. I'm sure you can see the struggle here, but at least I did the work.

I've been asked why I make these little collages, what I'm going to do with them. It doesn't matter what the end result is; it just matters that I do the work. Doing the work, whether it's collage or painting or drawing or writing or exercising or practicing any discipline, is how one improves her/his skill set. I'm showing up and doing the work.

It takes discipline and an objectively self-critical attitude about one's own work to reach a high level of achievement, and it's easy to fall short of the mark. (John Hulsey)


  1. you are so right, we gotta show up and do the work!!

    I'm gonna do that today!! :)

  2. It's hard to remember this at times. but oh so true.

  3. I'm really interested to see your work - particularly this piece and the last one which I thought was great. Every day, I write. It makes me a better writer, and more than anything, it makes me happy no matter what anyone else thinks about it!

  4. That's the key, Annie... to do the work no matter what anyone else thinks about it. At times the work calls me. Other times it's pure discipline/commitment. Then habit takes over. Whatever, we need to make.

  5. thank you for the daily inspiration...I think the work turned out are so right we have to show up and do the work. Art speaks to the soul!

  6. Anonymous3:36 AM PDT

    Practice, practice, practice that is why we do our art... it becomes us! Keep on inspiring us!!! I love your work!!! SO VERY MUCH!!!!

  7. It's true not everything has to have some grand goal in mind, we can't improve if we don't keep at it. I love to paint at something every day, most of it has no real purpose except to explore and develop my abilities and understanding of design concepts.
    Thanks for sharing

  8. Anonymous2:00 PM PDT

    Do you ever sell prints of that banner art on your blog? I love it!

    Linda N


I appreciate comments and questions.