Monday, September 27, 2010

The Sketchbook Project - Rivers


Oregon, especially the western part, is all about water and mountains and forests and rivers and agriculture. Because we get lots of misty rain we have abundant snow in the mountains, plenty of water in our rivers and streams, and lots of clean water to drink and to irrigate our crops. Our drinking water which comes from the Bull Run Reservoir is so pure that we drink it straight without lots of chemicals or processes to purify it. 
This pier is on the Willamette, near Oregon City. I wish I had a boat!


  1. I LOVE this! Just showed it to all my co-workers.."Cool" LOVE IT!

  2. Anonymous8:59 AM PDT

    What a wonderful project! I love this!

  3. oh Jo I love this!! I so love the ones you use photos and carry the photo across the page.


  4. This is wonderful Jo, love the composition, everything works so well together. Great concept

  5. Lovely work- seeing your state this way! Your approach to this project is so refreshing and creative.

  6. You are all so encouraging! Thank you for your posts. I guess I'm onto something.. working with my photos in this way. All of you are certainly welcome to do the same thing.


I appreciate comments and questions.