Sunday, November 21, 2010

How I Spent My Weekend

Cannon Beach Post Office

I've often stopped in local post offices and asked to have a page stamped in my sketchbook; this is the first time that I've been told that I have to buy a stamp in order to have them use the cancellation stamp! So I bought a penny stamp. I rather like the addition of the stamp so I'll probably buy one every time from here on out.

Haystack Rock - Cannon Beach, OR

Shadow walking

Kelp grows as underwater forests which are easily dislodged by storms. This kelp bundle, along with 6 others, was on the beach after last week's storm.



Today the sun disappeared and hail on the beach drove us homeward. Snow above 1000 feet.

Here's a little video of my snowy drive home. 


  1. These photos are gorgeous!!! Love your post office piece.

  2. Jo, Your post office art is great, and what a good idea about getting the cancellation stamp. I'd say 1 penny is worth is, although a bit silly since delivery didn't leave the post office.

  3. As I lay sleepless in bed last night I thought about all the small denomination stamps I have, purchased for face value at a coin and stamp store, and decided I'd gather a small assortment of these and keep them in an envelope in my sketchbook for times such as these. That way I'll have stamps of my choosing rather than the current ones available in the PO.
    Jo... making lemonade out of lemons again

  4. Great piece & story today-love the stamp being canceled.Wow what dramatic changes in weather! I love the snow-just amazing this was happening on your side of the world.


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