Monday, July 02, 2012

Garlic Scapes

by Jo Reimer
Garlic Scapes
I was compelled to buy these curly garlic tops, called scapes, at Farmers Market a week ago. So beautiful and strange! I put them in a water glass on the kitchen counter and they've continued to grow. I'm told that they're great in recipes but I can't bear to cut them, and before they straighten I must sit down and draw each one. Read about them here where there's a recipe for Garlic Hazelnut Pesto.

I've decided to be easier on myself and not obsess over posting on my blog this summer. I'll try for once a week but if I don't accomplish even that know that I'm more than okay and probably enjoying a quiet summer in my back yard.


  1. Enjoy the summer! I have never heard of garlic scapes, what interesting twists they take :-)

  2. Your garlic scapes are SO cool, I can see why you don't want to cut them! Enjoy your time in the yard.

  3. Anonymous11:40 AM PDT

    I loved looking at your artwork, Jo! I ended up listening to Luis Palau last night at the conference center. He was great!
    Take Care,
    Elise Jordan

    1. I'm glad you followed through with looking at my blog and going to hear Luis, Elise. I enjoyed talking to you yesterday and hope we can stay in contact.

  4. Reading this post makes me excited to both cook and paint- a winning combo for a summer day! I hope you are doing well. Know that I think of you often!

    1. It's good to hear from you, Merri. I know you must be having a great time settling into your new home in Seattle. What a wonderful city to live in and to explore, and it's great for your family that you're nearer. Keep in touch.


I appreciate comments and questions.