Thursday, January 09, 2014

Getting the Most out of an Art Workshop

First page of notes from a Cathy Woo workshop in 2007

I've taken dozens of art-related workshops and classes over the past 50 years, since my first one one day workshop at the Embroiderers Guild in London, England in 1966. I've had loads of fun with like-minded friends and learned a lot about making art, but I've also wasted time and money by not treating the time seriously...mostly because of lack of preparation and practice. But I have gotten smarter as I've matured and finally figured out how to make the most of the workshop experience. has just published my article about this subject. Hop over to read it HERE.

I'd love to hear about how you prepare and practice when you take a workshop. 



  1. Great article Jo. I too take many classes and I also buy DVD's as well. Recently I have delved into taking online classes. I have loved these since sometimes it is hard for me to travel. You do have to be careful with the online classes since everyone and their mother now claims to be a teacher. Some are not good and the money is wasted but some are fantastic. Due diligence is the name of the game.

    1. Thanks Roberta. I appreciate your taking time to write. I agree with you that online classes and DVDs offer many advantages when one can't travel, and they save money. But one does need to be careful and apply the same diligence to selecting online classes as one would with an in-person workshop. If the teacher can write and express herself clearly, if she's generous with information on her blog, and if her credentials show a good background in the subject matter then it's a good bet that her workshops will be worth the money.

  2. Oh this is excellent Jo! I just read your article. Clear, concise and very informative. Thank you for sharing that and your beautiful journal pages!

    1. You're welcome, Val. You are one of the good online teachers and I know that because I've taken one of your workshops. And you are good at what you do now because of your years of teaching art at a local private school.

      Readers, click on Valerie's name to read about her online classes.

  3. Oh Jo, this is so great...I know when I personal take a class or workshop do just what you suggested and really try to make good investment of my time as an artist worth it...i was taught that a workshop can keep on teaching and that's just what your sharing there, as all the personal notes you take you are able to go back and continue to keep learning...great job lady!!

    1. Thanks for sharing that, Laura, and for linking to me today on your blog.

  4. I agree with all the above comments about your article. The accompanying images added even more interest. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Sonia. I hope it helped to see an excerpt from one of my workshop journals.

  5. Great article Jo. I love your images too.


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