Monday, April 28, 2014

Show and Tell at Home

There's a long narrow powder room next to my studio at home which I use as my personal art gallery. I can change out the artwork whenever I get tired of looking at it because the nail holes don't show in the texture of the wall paper. The room has a north-facing skylight so the light in that room is pure and clear, and even at night there's enough light from sconces and the little lamp to see the work. In fact, I've toyed with the idea of setting up an easel under the skylight so I can enjoy better light as I paint.

I've noticed that friends make a point of going to the bathroom whenever they visit, whether they need to or not, and they stay a while longer than one would think.

We like this bright, slightly chaotic room though it might cause an interior designer to shudder.

I'm of the opinion that when one is an artist her own works should be more prominent than works by others, shown without either pretense or shyness. Put it out for others to enjoy. Who know, maybe someone will want to buy a piece. And no, there are no prices displayed.

I have other of my art throughout the house, along with collected originals by other artists. They're sometimes conversation starters and reveal a bit about the people who live here. Even my husband's study is papered with art, though none of mine. He likes realistic works, especially farm scenes so there's lots of scenic watercolors and art he's purchased when he travels, along with his collection of carved birds.

What hangs on your walls?


  1. It looks wonderful and that sky light would be a bonus! Surely we all pepper our homes with our art, I enjoy having them around me, gives me new perspectives :-)

    1. after I took the picture I realized how much blank wall there still is to cover. It's a good place to store paintings that haven't sold.

  2. I know if I were to use your powder room I might be in there awhile. I've a got a couple of my pieces in mine as well, but nearly as many as yours.

    1. You're welcome to come visit, and you can stay in there as long as you like. There's a chest at the end that's full of journals and altered books. Read those while you're here.

  3. I would stay a while in this bathroom! Your art is beautiful and it looks great hanging in any room!


I appreciate comments and questions.