Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sunny Day at the Beach

Sunny Day at the Beach
Jo Reimer
Collage on board
12” x 12”

I'm experimenting with new ways to add images to my collages, this time using my own photographs. 

It proved to be quite simple. In Photoshop I went to Image>Mode>Grayscale and increased the contrast via Adjustments. Then I sent the image through my Laserjet, and cut it out close to the edges of the image.

The next experiments with be image transfers using acrylic medium which is a technique I used 20 years ago to transfer photos to fabric. What goes around comes around, doesn't it?


  1. I have been following your blog since I first became interested in digital collage. Seeing what you are doing is like having my own art teacher. Keep it up.

    1. That makes me feel good, Nancy. You're most of the reason I keep writing this share what I know to help others. I'd love to see your work; do you have a website?

    2. I just found your blog, Porch Days. Great photos and digital collages. I like your work.

  2. Oh my liking this one a whole lot. good luck with the exhibit at the Library.

    1. Thanks, Laura. I just finished labeling and inventorying 40 pieces for my show. I'm sure that half of the work of the artist is dealing with the business, and only half with actually making art... half work, half play!

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