Friday, February 14, 2020

It's not too late to sign up for Art2Life free workshops.

Nick Wilton

The first of Nickolas Wilton's Art2Life free workshops begins today. What a nice Valentine gift, three workshops with no strings attached. Click here to sign up.

Nick offers these workshops each year as a lead-in to signing up for his Creative Visionary Program, a 3-month online art course that I took last year.  Watching the freebie convinced me that this program was for me... and I sure chose a winner.

My work and my approach and my process of creating good art have all improved leaps and bounds.

I didn't go to art school but I have attended dozens and dozens of classes and workshops over the last 50+ years and I can say honestly that CVP is the best of the best.

I learned SO much and gained confidence in my process so that my work never fails to give me pleasure.

If you haven't already signed up to take the free workshops, please do so.  Click here.  You'll learn something valuable to your own practice.

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