Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The School of Uncertainty

Another piece in my Sermon Note series, this piece is simply watercolor and rubber stamps. I work on a 9" x 12" block of 140# watercolor paper, usually Canson Montval cold press. The block works well because all 4 edges are glued together with the rest of the pages in the block, making a very firm surface which dries absolutely smooth no matter how much water I throw at it or how many layers of papers I glue to it. And the paper takes lots of abuse.
I used paints straight out of the tube because I wanted vibrant color, indicating my ongoing current theme of HOPE. I used cad yellow light, indian yellow, cad red light, cobalt violet, ultramarine blue, phthalo blue and winsor green.

A group women at my church are getting together soon to see how much interest they can generate in teaching homeless women in the community to knit or crochet. I was asked to come up with a logo, a task which is definitely not part of my natural skill set, but I think the result will work. It was definitely a stretch for me. Perhaps it was the "logo" word that put me off; I view designing logos to be part of the job description of high paid illustrators.


  1. I love this piece Jo. So wise and heartfelt. Thank you.

  2. Thanks, Cathy. It's good to hear from you.

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